How To Paint Vinyl Lattice

Thank you for your interest in our lattice panels! We exclusively carry Black and White panels. Our panels are paintable.

PVC is an inert, static, UV-stabilized material with minimal response to environmental conditions (water, sun, etc.), which makes it an excellent material for paint. The material has a matte finish which aids in paint adhesion.

Surface Preparation

Though no preparation is necessary, it is recommended that the vinyl surface be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol or acetone just in case dirt or unseen oil is present. Wipe with a soaked cloth and quickly wipe away any excess cleaning solution. Lightly sanding the surface may be beneficial though this may leave unsightly sanding scratches that can be seen if applying light coats of spray paint (not so much if using a brush). Buffing with an orbit buffer is an option. Use micro poly-fiber pads.

Paint Type To Use

Use a quality interior or exterior vinyl, latex, or acrylic lacquer paint (Do not use oil-based paints). Priming prior to painting is only necessary if required by the paint manufacturer.

Painting Tip

If painting large sheets, lay down drop clothes, tarps, or clear plastic on a large flat area (driveway, garage patio, etc.). Use a low nap roller brush with an extension handle and apply paint liberally. Also, you can purchase an inexpensive 4×8 sheet of oriented strand board (OSB), available at any local builders supply store). Place the OSB on the sawhorses and then paint the sheets on the sawhorses.

More Information On Painting PVC

For more information on painting PVC, here is a link that REALLY describes the PVC-to-paint relationship:

We realize purchasing our vinyl lattice is an investment for you, with added costs associated with painting. When you make a purchase with us, please request that we include some scrap test paint pieces with your order so you’ll have an opportunity to test your techniques and materials without harming your investment. It’s our pleasure!

Ready to get started? Check out our Vinyl Lattice Shop today!