Damages & Replacements
When you receive your order confirmation via email, please review it carefully to insure accuracy. Unless you notify us of errors, we deem the confirmed order to be correct. If we then make a mistake, we will correct the mistake free of charge. However, if you find you have made a mistake we will advise you on how to solve it and will also make a replacement as fast as possible. Please note that we may, at our discretion, ask you to pay a cost depending on what is involved.
If your order arrives damaged, incorrect, or otherwise defective, take photos of package and please contact us as soon as possible.
In the case of damaged products, the quickest and easiest way to process the damage is by sending a picture to customer service with a brief description of the problem and your order number.
All panels are made to order and we do not hold stock, therefore we do not accept returns.
We want to do everything we can to help you pick the perfect product for your outdoor space. PVC lattice samples are all available upon request, and our customer service representatives are happy to offer their insight and suggestions!